Originally Posted by Emigee
In terms of preschools, are there any Reggio Emilia based ones on your area? That has been tremendously successful for my son. It's an "emergent curriculum," which means the teachers respond to questions and interests from the group of children in designing the day to day activities.

I'd like to ditto the endorsement of Reggio Emilia. Our twins, now 17yo, went to an RE preschool for several years and it worked really well for them. There was really no formal academic curriculum, but art and music were regular parts of the schedule, led by awesome specialists. When the class did group projects, they would divide up the "work" among the students, which allowed for the most natural and seamless differentiation I have ever seen. We ended up deciding to send them to the preschool one more year rather than pursue early admission to K (they missed the age cutoff by a couple of months).