A thought to consider - if your son is in fact experiencing attention difficulties, ADHD can have huge impact on writing (whether or not a child has any writing-related LDs). ADHD tends to hit organization, planning, sequencing - - - all the essential pieces for writing. That said, however...

Originally Posted by katee564
We've continued with the courses with the probably naive view that through sheer exposure to the need to output thoughtfully, he'd start getting it.

Very few teachers ever teach writing in an explicit and systematic way, as a specific set of skills and processes which can be broken down and understood. Like reading, it tends to be assumed that most students will absorb it by osmosis, given enough exposure. In reality, even without LDs, a substantial minority of people will struggle with both unless they are explicitly taught how to do it - and most aren't. So perhaps your son would benefit from a course that focuses more on breaking down and teaching the writing skills needed, as opposed to one that calls on skills that are presumed already to exist?

I don't have a recommendation off the top of my head, but would put the question out to those who have homeschooled in LA - can any of you recommend curricula that do a good job of addressing writing skills in an explicit and systematic way?