No, that isn't what I meant. This question was asked by a parent of an admissions counselor.

Should my child take more AP classes junior year because senior year scores can't be put on application?

Applications officer says we don't look at the scores for admission purposes...just did you take APs and what did your teacher give you as a grade. The scores are used later to get credit (or not). I personally have never seen a current application (I mean I did in the 1980s) but I think they are saying there isn't a spot to put your scores. Like I said for my son who gets 5s, seems like that is a bummer for him that he doesn't get to say....look at me I get 5s on my APs. But helps those who take and do well in the classes but don't do as exceptionally well as my son. (Which i know doesn't mean that he learned more, just he tests well)