I’m wondering what anyone’s thoughts/experiences are about the NWEA MAP score “growth”. Can it help with determining if a child is appropriately placed and/or used to advocate for more acceleration?

DS (3rd grade) growth in math from Fall to Spring was 8 points. With the NWEA norms, I was able to calculate that this is at the 22 percentile for growth for the school year.

Don’t gifted kids typically learn faster than NT kids? My DS usually just needs to be shown a math concept once and he gets it. If he’s appropriately challenged, shouldn’t his growth be higher than average not lower?

His teacher is happy with his scores and said he’s showing growth so he’s learning. She also said he’s “doing well” and “appropriately placed” (I'm not sure I agree).

DS’s Spring 3rd grade spring Math MAP score was 243 which is at the 99.8 percentile.

He’s in a math pull-out which is a 1 year advancement in curriculum. I had to push hard (multiple meetings and a formal letter to the district office) to get DS into the math pull-out because his 2nd grade local COGAT score was just below their cut-off. Is there anything that suggests appropriate math instruction level based on MAP scores?

Should I push (I'm sure it would mean another fight with the school) to have him advanced further for next year?

Last edited by dreamsbig; 04/20/17 09:52 AM.