No offense taken. We don't have problems at all with being involved in the kids' school and currently work with their teachers a lot addressing any issues that arise.

We had a bad year when DS9 was a preschooler. He has LDs and some medical issues that had not been evaluated / fully figured out at the time. We knew he wasn't a bad kid but his teacher took his inability to do certain tasks has defiance and nearly every day would send home a note about him being "bad". I think she wanted him out of her class and it worked. We pulled him and he stayed home for a year. Some of his issues were identified during the year off and he started there again with a different teacher and OT which helped a lot.

The school saw the difference even simple accommodations made for him and we have all had a great working relationship since.

The year of preschool with the bad teacher scarred us a bit.

We are reluctant to "start over" with a new school and face the stress of advocating when the status quo is mostly great.