Great thread, KJP.

Kudos to sanne for posting with sincerity, leading in a positive direction and encouraging others by example!

What an inspiring list.
My thoughts don't really add much new...
Having healthy boundaries, healthy relationships with self and with others despite differences...
Understanding that setbacks of all kinds are a part of life and do not diminish a person...
Knowing one's strengths and
owning one's weaknesses (hat tip to Platypus101)Openmindness tempered with critical thinking and a penchant for seeking out nuggets of truths...
Active BS filters which trigger quietly without sarcasm or snark...
Valuing ethics and integrity...
Thirst for a challenge, flexibility to face adversity, inner resources to cope with disappointment...
Living within one's budget (accepting that seasons of struggle, sacrifice, and "settling" may be an inherent part of establishing priorities, weighing decisions)...
Appreciation for humor, art, nature all around us...
Ability to master one's self, as a well-rounded person who chooses to acknowledge and lighten another's burden.
This reminds me of the list of
what kids learn through effort (and don't learn without challenge).
This also reminds me of the poem "
If.." by Rudyard Kiplng.