Hi everyone,

This child is going to wear me out. DS5, who has the new nickname "Linx" (that was my grandfather's nickname, and I'm seeing more and more similarities there), wants to make a video game. He has it all planned out, down to the platform, story line, and what each button will do when pressed. He has the price set, his sales strategy ready, and he's just ready to implement. And he's asking ~me~ for help with that part. He wants to start on the production by next Tuesday, and I have NO CLUE how to help him.

Does anyone have any advice? He is so excited (crazed!) and so involved with this video game, I don't know how to tell him that it's a years-long process to develop even a simple game.

I'm looking for resources...Programs to use, people to talk to for advice. My sister has recommended Kids Programming Language to start, phrogram.com, and I plan to download that and see if it's within his reach. I know EPGY also has programming courses, but that looks like a Secondary level offering (Linx is currently at EPGY math grade level 2.5 and moving fast).

Is he too young for a mentor at this point? Any tips on where to start looking? My sister has access to software developers, but she lives several hours away.

