In our California school we do not have that experience.

There are two ratings bars, one for Achievement, and one for Effort. You can score 1-4 in these, depending on the subject (Art, Science, Math, English, etc.)

I am only going to list what our Achievement rating scores say on my child's report card:

2=Mostly Proficient
1=Not Proficient

Most kids get Proficient or Advanced at our school, but our school is considered one of the best in the district. Proficient means they fulfill the requirements and show that they understand the subject. Advanced means they are doing above level work. Based on what I've seen many of the children at our school are working above grade level, and 75% scored in the Standards Exceeded category for both English and Math on the CAASPP last year. There are children who are rated with a 4 in the first report card of the year, so it is not based on state testing at our school.

There are also similar ratings for Work and Study Habits and Learning and Social Skills.

Last edited by LAF; 12/03/16 09:56 AM.