Could there be things going on in the school environment that is impacting her in ways that even she is not aware of? your comment about her becoming sweeter the longer she is out of school seems to point to hidden factors there. Middle school is very rough. Could it be that she sees the differences between her and others too acutely, even if they don't see that big to you/others? Differences can be a big deal in one's head even when everyone else thinks it is nothing. A part of me would say to look into homeschooling if that would help her depression and anxiety but I don't know your DD other than what you say.

If she is not allergic to animals, have you looked into things like horse back riding/stable work or working with dogs? I remember being a bookworm (the MS librarian and I were on very good terms, with her saving me new books to read and I loved spending time with her - while the rest of the students were terrified of her since she was strict about how the library ran) - and I loved being able to lose myself in other worlds in my own head. I also loved being able to just hang out in the stable with horses and work with horses - and not have to deal with people and ever changing social rules etc. (my mom never understood why I loved being in stable for as long as I was allowed on the days I had horseback riding, but at least she accepted that it was important to me even though none of my friends rode).

Can it be that there are just too many people around her daily that she appears to lack empathy because it is too overwhelming with too many people pulling her (even if it is just internal struggles) or too many changes on social/physical levels? You can not help others if you are too overwhelmed yourself.

Last edited by notnafnaf; 12/02/16 08:54 AM.