Looking for any advice. I have a gifted 10 year old 5th Grader. He is on the border of gifted/highly gifted. Until this year, we were able to meet his needs with small accomodations from individual teachers and through offering optional supplements at home, as he really didn't have much interest in doing more.

This year, however, it seems his learning and motivation have gone into overdrive. He wants to jump in and learn everything. He is begging for more complex work, acting out in class during reviews or when it moves too slow, refusing to work in groups with kids who can't keep up, and seeking new challenges on his own (such as learning Geometry along with his 9th grade sister).

We are meeting with teachers/counselor this week to discuss options for him, and I'm really torn on what we should ask for. My challenge is that he is already on the younger end of his grade, and he is also athletically talented. I am in discussion with the school, but am very cautious of a grade acceleration as I don't want to eliminate his chance of varsity/high level sports (which the age difference would do). To him, the athletics issue is a HUGE deal--he's already picked out where he wants to play college ball, etc. Has anyone else had a kid like this? What did you do?