I've noticed we go through periods with DS where we don't have him read out loud to us and when we do his accuracy drops like CRAZY!
What's up with this? I assume at some age he won't be so sensitive to that?
He's 6 years old and easily reads 3-4 chapter books a day on the weekend... Boxcar Children, etc. His comprehension is perfect. But I guess he must be reading quickly and guessing some as he reads.
When he reads the books to us he'll sometimes mumble words or he'll skip words or he'll read "he's" and say "he is"... really just silly mistakes.
I'm guessing this is common, but curious to hear from others...
We notice it and then focus on it for a week or two and he gets better. But he gets annoyed when we correct him over and over again and it does make bedtime a little less fun because we can't really get into the story.