{quote=blackcat+So when I hear people say that their child has reading difficulty because of their visual convergence issues, I am very skeptical.[/quote]

Our dd who has visual challenges had a diagnosis of convergence insufficiency, as well as double vision and limited peripheral vision. Her situation is different than blackcat's ds and her issues were due to low muscle tone, not injury. Vision therapy helped her tremendously, in ways I wouldn't have recognized until we were in the thick of it. I was able to sit in on her appointments and saw the exercises she did with her therapist and at home, as well as testing over time that showed her improvement.

Sorry I don't have time to write more at the moment, but fwiw, quite a bit of what was impacting our dd were things that we couldn't see until they'd been addressed by her VT.

I'll be back later to try to explain more fully smile

Best wishes,
