Originally Posted by Raevyn
We have to read books like that for my book club. Do any of you have suggestions?
1) Hunger Games, Suzanne Collins
2) Sewing Circles of Herat, Christina Lamb
3) Atlas Shrugged, Ayan Rand
4) Fahrenheit 451, Ray Bradbury
5) Animal Farm, George Orwell
6) Brave New World, Aldous Huxley
7) The Giver, Lois Lowry
8) Confucius Never Said, Helen Raliegh
9) The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis

Originally Posted by Raevyn
(criticizes governments that exaggerate small or nonexistent issues to distract from the real issues)
Raevyn, I'm impressed with the insights and questions you post on far-ranging subjects. smile

BTW, this happens often IRL - Governments (and individuals) routinely exaggerate small or nonexistent issues to distract from the real issues. When you read or watch the news you may find yourself keeping a mental list of these red herrings. Reading/watching the news from other countries can be very informative and the fresh perspective may also serve as an antidote to myopic vision (much like reading these books which question the status quo and/or the direction in which society may be headed). It is often beneficial to practice seeing several sides of an issue.