I am debating how hard to nudge DS to master LaTex (Editor/Compiler) and Asymptote (vector graphics language). In general, I encouraged the kids to master as many software and applications as possible for a number of reasons. The more you learn, the easier it is to pick up new sofware. As you move into the higher level grades/courses these days, teachers use a variety of programs and the students are pretty much expected to pick it up on their own with a few pointers.

AoPS uses LaTex and Asymptote. DS has been taking their Geometry course but has not been inclined to learn LaTex or Asymptote. I would like him to take the time to learn/master them. To be fair, DS doesn't actually need LaTex as he has no trouble typing math when he answers questions during AoPS classes since he had to type most of his math for Algebra I and all of his math for algebra II at school. DS also doesn't actually need Asymptote since he has no problem creating figures/diagrams using GeoGebra, which he used the last three years at school for Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra II. You can also export GeoGebra files to Asymptote.

I guess I am wondering how prevalent/important LaTex and Asymptote are. Is it worth learning?