At my first parent teacher conference in the fall, my son's 2nd grade teacher gave me a sheet summarizing how he was doing in various subjects. She listed his DRA reading level as a 28. This didn't really mean anything to me because I couldn't put it into context. But he is a phenomenal reader, so it wasn't something that I thought much about. After my recent spring conference, DS8 still had a reading level of 28. When I questioned the teacher on how he could have shown no reading progress all year, she said that 28 is the highest grade level score, so that's where she stopped. She had no interest in seeing how high of a score he could achieve because she feels her job is to get everyone in the class to a 28 by the end of the year. Is this a typical public school attitude? I was upset, but she claimed that she isn't even allowed to test any higher. I just can't believe that is true. It is still upsetting me.