DS17 is at the start of his college search and if you add "Engineering" as a possible major you end up back at the large state schools. Few smaller LA schools have Engineering programs and those that do are very competitive. On the other hand you aren't stuck on Engineering there are many more LA schools that have good math/science/physics programs. In my DS's case we are looking at both options.

As I suggested. Look at the details for the college admissions particularly the science requirements. Keep in mind Engineering departments sometimes have different requirements. And some of this information is a bit buried.

From my son's perspective at the state schools his higher test scores (SAT, AP tests) will help offset his not so high grades because it's often just a formula. And the extra stuff that makes him well rounded won't make as much of a difference. But a smaller LA school would hopefully be willing to look at the whole package and be less rigid in it's acceptance policies. But I know most colleges are really focused on the grades because this is often the best indicator of college success.

UGGG.. This whole college acceptance really makes navigating grades with 2E kids really stressful.