I must admit to a certain naivety when DS was first identified gifted by the school board. I figured - well school should be easy then! So not true!
I think from a previous thread you said you are having your DS tested soon? Hopefully it will give you some answers as to what is going on, and things the teachers can do to make school work better for him.
I actually thought that witnessing giftedness (if he is indeed gifted, since he hasn't been tested yet) would be fun, but it can certainly be a lot of work.
Yes, hopefully we'll get some answers that will help. DS is interesting though - sometimes, just when we're at our wits' end with him, a switch seems to go off and he behaves really well and seems so well adjusted. I wonder if others have had that experience. It's almost like he has "behaviour waves". We're in a good wave right now, fingers crossed that it lasts a while!