DS10 dropped 2-and-a-half standard deviations, from taking the WISC-IV 3 years ago to the WISC-V this year. His new WJ scores (WJ-III to WJ-IV) were mostly on par with what we originally saw. We expected a bit of a drop, because it's a newer test and regression to the mean. But, not a nearly 40 point drop. What happened? We are chalking it up to a heap of anxiety. The two other testers (speech and WJ) reported DS to be talkative, friendly, and enthusiastic. The psychologist who did the WISC reported that DS refused to chat with her when taking breaks, turned his back to her, and engaged in a certain behavior (which I know to be his "anxiety" tic).
I'm sure this is pretty unusual, but it underscores the need to have a good rapport between your child and the tester.