KJP, have you tried asking these questions of the teachers at the school?

I can't help you with curriculum specifics, and truly, schools are going to be different when you compare, even within your own area most likely. Different doesn't necessarily equate to "less" or not the right choice. The school work you mention sounds very different than my children's elementary school day - their schools were focused on project and group work and included few worksheets. Science, social studies in particular were primarily whole-class or group work, math included group work, projects, and worksheets were only used for practicing quick math facts. There was never much repetition of addition/subtraction once the basics were learned - I'm fairly certain my kids never had more than 1-2 classes of work on adding/subtracting large numbers. Different, yes? Successful, yes. Each of my kids learned what they needed to learn, did well, and were able to move on to where their academic abilities placed them in middle/high school. Does that mean your school isn't adequate because it's different? Absolutely not smile There are many different ways to get from point A to point B.

Being in a school setting that a student likes, having confidence in the teachers - those are both *huge*. I wouldn't be too quick to move from that.

Best wishes,
