Ha - I wondereded how DS5 would do with this since he avoids and claims to hate drawing. His twin draws very detailed people. Today, spontaneously while playing with fuse beads he said "hmm, I've started with a line of beige: I'm making a person's mouth - here is the skin above the mouth, here are the lips, the gums, the teeth, more skin ... Oh I ran out of that color; well here's a freckle..." :-). He likes to create faces using the heart-shaped template, and made one today then explained some meta elements such as "in the eyes I have used three different blues to represent you, twin and DD2, green for daddy, and orange for myself". (Orange is his current favorite color)

Though I'd love to see his resistance to drawing disappear, I'd guess that I shouldn't be too worried about the general "draw a person" test ;-)

Incidentally and on a tangent from this thread, at what age did you see your children indicate that they consistently preferred a particular color over others?