While we eventually concluded that we couldn't actually make much use of the fact, given that DD was accelerated 3y, and therefore had formally seen some material that agemates had not--

DD was a kiddo that took the SAT and ACT at 11-13yo.

Her scores put her in the upper range for every national org that I could locate age-norming for. That is, she was in the top 1% for TIP, etc.

But it was never clear to us that this was useful with anyone, since she was accelerated. I mean, she was scoring in the top 1% with her academic cohort, too, so...

Not sure that this helps, but I get why you're asking. I just don't know that there are enough 2-3y accelerated children taking either test, so stats are going to be very tough to come by.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.