Thanks so much to both of you! It helps to know we're not alone. In fact, it helps just to read other parents' posts. It's crazy how so much of what I read might as well be a description of our DS!

Chay, I went back to read a few of your previous posts and you're right that there seem to be a lot of similarities. In fact, one thing I hadn't mentioned is his problem with writing/printing. In fact, it has crossed my mind before that he could have some sort of learning disability. And now that I look up dysgraphia, I am really starting to question it! Of the different symptoms: his handwriting is excruciatingly slow and is not very legible, he often skips letters, can't keep his writing on one line, the size of his letters is all over the place, he mixes upper case and lower case letters, can't space his words properly, etc. I guess we'll make sure to get him tested for that as well.