I can't believe what I have just learned. I am still stunned and excited beyond belief. Here is a scoop:

Went to the Back to School Night. Introduced to new math teacher. Level 4, excited about doing higher level math and problem solving. Yes, you have read it right, excited about problem solving and conceptual math. Turns out school got a grant thanks to which this teacher will be offering before school class x 4 weekly to curious/advance math students!
We do not know specifics yet, he is absolutely open to our, current math club coordinators, suggestions. But it is still unbelievable to me that the school is offering 4 extra hours of instructions weekly for gifted /curious math students.
The second shock came when I learned that there is going to be only 2 students in Ghost's math class this year! Two of the best students, and the class will be offered just for their benefit.
This is HUGE in my world!!!
Why do I believe this is an advocacy issue?
Well, we were the sole family responsible for the math club for the past two years. Last year our seventh graders came in second in the state wide math contest. While talking to the Principal numerous times I mentioned that gifted students fall under the special ed umbrella, that there must be monies available. I presented the P with a copy of Genius Denied.
They wrote for a grant and got it!

I know that things will not look as bright a few months down the road,there is always problems, but right now I am thrilled!
So keep bugging those teachers, you NEVER know what is waiting behind a corner!