Usually siblings are within 10 points of each other… I am not clear how you get into the gifted program in your area. If it's a test, then that would be unfortunate. I don't think personality comes much into it, unless he throws the test because he doesn't want to be in it…

If it's teacher recommendation, both kids were recommended, right? As far as what he does with the information if he is not chosen, I would just say different kids need different things. Gifted pullout may be what your one child needs, whereas your DS10 might not even want it because of the "nerd" factor. I tested into the gifted program in the 6th grade and flat out refused to go because I was afraid it would make me an even bigger social pariah… back then there were only a couple of kids in the program, and they were all *ahem* super quirky kids…probably says something about me, but at the time, I was concerned about looking too different, peers were more important to me….and then again, nerds are cool now, so maybe the gifted program at your school is different than mine was...

Last edited by LAF; 01/13/16 05:39 PM.