IQ testing for young kids (under 7 years old) is not very reliable (because of attention span issues, tiredness, inability to understand what the test is about, inability to understand that they are being timed etc.). But, it is even more unreliable if your child does not speak english proficiently because a lot of the questions are biased towards english speakers and the lifestyles in the western world.

So, take those scores with a pinch of salt. Retest after your son turns 7 or 8 years old, then you might get a clearer picture.

As for GATE program, the eligibility is based on the private school policy or the public school district policy. In some schools, there is standardized testing + CogAT scores used to qualify for gifted programs which are not really IQ tests. In others, they have an IQ cutoff (130-135 range in my area). So, you don't have to worry about it yet.