Thanks for your advice Blue Magic and Angie. It does seem like he needs to work his way through it to get to the other side and it's heartening to hear that yours (blue magic) did just that. It's hard to watch him suffer. I remember a handful of painful moments quite clearly myself so they must have made a serious impression on me.

The meeting with the school went really well actually. Logistics still need to be figured out but they were very open to ideas on how to make school more interesting for him. I hope it will help him make it through.

I'm certainly not pushing extra curricular activities on him. He seems to want to stay in band (which is in school). Maybe he just needs that room to just be so he can cope.

I wish I could get him into therapy but he refuses. Any suggestions on that? I explained that it's something people do when they need more tools to deal with things and just need help over a bump. I imagine it's a scary idea. How did your son feel about it?