If a child is really resisting, it could be that they are not in a good place for certain learning at the moment. You could spend hours agonizing and pushing it, then both parent and child are miserable, when that child could easily and quickly learn it at a later time when they are ready.

Yes, Neato, that's it exactly. Even his OT says he's not developmentally ready - even though he can do it. And he's definitely one of those I can't do it, it's too hard ... oh, that was easy! kids. For now, I just want to get the bad taste for math out of his mouth.

And I agree with what everyone said about learning not being fun all the time, and understand it. But I am looking for fun.

And good idea, Mia, to work on Timez Attack again. That's how he learned the multiplication tables. Those were tense times, with a sweaty mouse, under time pressure, LOL. That's the sort of stuff I think I should sprinkle into math. And he enjoyed the Number Devil CD. So I think before we start another formal math curriculum, we'll do some playing with all this stuff.

Good suggestions! Keep 'em coming. Thanks.