I don't have a book, but I am constantly reinforcing the idea that sometimes even cooler things come out of mistakes. For instance, if you forget something, and you go back and meet someone that you wouldn't otherwise meet. Or how in the theater, there is a saying to "pray for accidents" because some of the most interesting moments come when the actor has a real moment on the stage (for instance, oops where is that umbrella that was supposed to be there, okay, I have to ad lib something there etc.). I also use the example of Post It notes…that was actually a huge failure because they were trying to get a very strong glue, but they ended up with something that didn't hold very strongly at all -so they used a failure to make something even better.

I also talk about how statistically the more you try something you aren't good at, the better you get at it. I use the example of the famous baseball players that got the most home runs but actually also struck out more than anyone else.

And of course we are running the growth vs. talent mindset paradigm in our house as often as possible...