My DD-then-2 and I were at Kohl's in the shoe area. DD started naming all of the letters she saw on the shoe boxes, no big deal to me and it kept her occupied. A man who worked at the store stopped and asked how old she was. He was amazed how much she knew. Then he started quizzing her, pointing at letters and asking what they were. He held up two or three fingers and asked how many were there -- DD would reply without needing to count them out; she just knew.

I didn't know what to think of this guy, but it was interesting to see DD answer a stranger's questions like that. I had never seen her do something like that for an unfamiliar person. The man left, walked by again and started asking her more questions -- maybe he didn't believe it the first time or something.

My DH and I were just figuring out that this wasn't typical 2-year-old behavior, so I didn't think it was such an unusual thing. Go figure!

Last edited by HoosierMommy; 08/09/08 11:16 AM. Reason: still sleep-deprived with a newborn