Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
Originally Posted by Nyaanyaa
Originally Posted by mountainmom2011
Sadly nothing really came of it, the teacher's answers were basically non-answers and I knew things wouldn't change. I felt so proud of dd but at the same time so sad for her because she didn't get any answers or the change she was hoping for.
Really?? That makes me so sad . . . I was hoping that if the child was allowed to be in charge, and did take charge, the teachers would definitely listen and change follow. I suppose I forgot that most of the world sees a child as something less than a person where I see a full individual . . . Most concerning. I need ponder the matter more for an effective strategy that drives change.
It was sad.

Honestly it was just this teacher in particular. She really shouldn't be working with gifted students and that is all I'm going to say about that. Lol
That is good to hear. In such a situation it might be best to bypass the teacher and instead address their superior.