Sounds like your DS has vulnerabilities in phonetic decoding. This didn't show up as a marked weakness on testing, but sometimes it doesn't on the tests that he was administered, in higher-functioning children. Some tests that may be relevant for phonetic decoding and reading fluency, and for reading comprehension include:

CTOPP (or -2) (phonological processing, related to both decoding and fluency)
PAL-2 (phonological processing, reading, writing, including fluency)
TORC-4 (in-depth reading comprehension measure)
from the WJIII/IV: Spelling of Sounds, Word Attack (though Pseudoword Decoding from the WIAT-III is essentially the same, and did not come out as a significant weakness), Writing Fluency
GORT-5 (oral reading: decoding, fluency, and some comprehension)

Best would be to take your existing data to a psych for a comprehensive eval. (You can request one at no additional cost from your public school district, or go through your PCP for a private eval, which may or may not be covered in part or in whole by insurance.)

Last edited by aeh; 07/27/15 08:29 AM.

...pronounced like the long vowel and first letter of the alphabet...