Originally Posted by indigo
Originally Posted by sigep1233
I emailed the Principal a few questions so hopefully he'll get back to me before the meeting.
Did you request a reply prior to the meeting date... possibly including words which may indicate a benefit to the principal and school team, such as, "In order to make the best use of everyone's time at the meeting..."?

Yes, I did. I also asked him specific questions about InView. The last person we met with gave us false information on how the InView is scored. I asked him if the information we were given at the last meeting was accurate (even though I know it isn't). I want to have in writing if anyone I have spoken with actually understands the test they are using.

I find it extremely alarming the ones making decisions for gifted placement are not familiar with the specifics of the test.

I am going to follow up Monday to make sure I have answers before we go. When we spoke on the phone I told him I would follow up with him via email with my specific questions and concerns. He said he needed to read the InView manual to find out the answers for the test related questions.