Originally Posted by Loy58
Do they use Common Core? Is G&T identification mandated in your state and is programming funded?

Here is the statement on the district website regarding common core: The State of XXX Department of Public Instruction has adopted the Mathematics and English Language Arts Common Core State Standards; XXX School District has chosen to exceed these State adopted Standards. We believe the State Standards to be the floor and not the ceiling.

Yes, there is a state statue mandating identification and access to G/T instruction. However, the actualization of this varies greatly from district to district. The state has a granting system in place to obtain funds, but from what I understand this again is dependent on the strength of the person in charge of G/T in each district. FWIW our district does not even have a G/T coordinator.

Last edited by Labmom; 06/12/15 08:08 AM.