George, you've just described my DD.
See? I knew I wasn't alone.

Mostly, DD delivers precisely what others expect and seem to want from her. Period. She doesn't draw undue attention, and she likes it that way. She is highly motivated to make other people LIKE her, and to make them feel good. That IS her passion, much as some PG children are obsessed with math or chess. Like them, she is amazing accomplished.
I have a science and nature enthusiast on my hands with an incredible power to absorb and apply information. He will sit and watch episode after episode of NOVA and Nature, and then correctly apply some law of physics he learned about months before in a completely unrelated situation. So his LOG becomes much more obvious if you get him talking about either of these things.
Or if you get him telling jokes based on plays on words. He wrote these:
Q: What's the sharpest letter of the alphabet?
A: The X!
Q: What's the wettest letter of the alphabet?
A: The C!