Originally Posted by eco21268
Originally Posted by DeeDee
I will say that I was a disorganized scatterbrain until college, and function very well in terms of EF now. So: brains develop.

Mine didn't develop until I had children. I keep reminding DS that he never stood a chance, genetically, but we can develop skills like anyone else. :P

Originally Posted by stemfun
My DS9 can be aptly described as the absent minded professor. He'd wear his shirts inside out, red socks on one foot and green socks on the other foot if I'd let him. He always tries to multitask while getting dressed as if getting dressed is too mundane a task to devote any attention to. He is always more interested in what ever he is imagining, reading or talking about than these basic tasks. He doesn't like to be late though, which I think will help him stay on task as he gets older.
Hahahahaha! I know this guy, only he's 12 and lives with me. His underpants were on backwards this morning, he couldn't find his socks, and I'm pretty sure there was smoothie smeared all over his mouth and shirt when I delivered him to school. However--he *did* ask me to gel his hair...so maybe hormones are beginning to titrate and he will develop more awareness.

We ALL hate to be late in my family. I don't want to be the harbinger of gloom, but it has taken a very long time for the effect to have any influence on the cause. I think we've made a teeny tiny bit of progress this year. Now that school is almost out.
This thread has me confused about what EF is? My son was diagnose with low EF. Yet he has no problems getting to school on time with everything he needs for school. At 16 I don't have to remind him, and even in junior high he only forgot things at what I'd expect would be a normal rate. He doesn't lose stuff and I was thinking just yesterday while his room isn't particularly neat he does put his stuff 'away' in his room ever day and can find things.

What he has problems with is organizing his time for homework. Keeping track of what homework is due at what time. Breaking up a long term project into manageable chunks. Or catching when a teacher announces orally, please finish and turn in tomorrow. It's more abstract with concepts & idea's not really related to 'things'.