You should read Drawing on the right side of the brain.
Is a book definitely aimed at adults, but in my opinion gives a great perspective on drawing for realism, without constructionism. Having a strong foundation in really seeing is especially important because what she learns i school will almost definitely be formulaic like a tree is a stick with a ball, brown stick green ball. Other ideas for devloping seeing are hang a sheet up and strongly light an object from behind and drawing it, or making photographs black and white (no grayscale) and copying, or rubbings from leaves Or other textures and copying. Verbal skills like comparing drawings with photographs can also help. also if she is getting worried about accuracy, a trip to a museum to see how different artists approach representation differently might be worthwile.Drawing books that are like this how you draw a.... kind of squash creativity, in my opinion. Also, fingerpaint or something messy and tactile like pastels or charcoal are great and you can focus on other ways to add details