Thank you. We just had a big impromptu talk with the teacher because apparently DD's behavior is a problem. Anxiety and emotional OE leading to outbursts and rudeness, basically, although the teacher didn't use the term OE and didn't bring up DD's giftedness as a potential factor. One more reason getting a full work up could be illuninating. So, yeah. I got the chance to ask for the school to help, and the teacher is going to look into resources for us. But yes she mentioned looking through insurance too. I think we're reaching the point where we NEED the information. DH wants to handle things with a concrete parenting plan before paying for a therapist but he would agree DD has not been challenged this year. So maybe she's got some major anxiety and OE or maybe she's just a rude kid. Maybe her placement is grossly inappropriate and we need to change things. I'm feeling so overwhelmed by hearing about it all. Probably because I relate, or the long ago schoolgirl in me relates, all too well.
DD seems to be taking it to heart, but does this fake gooey polite thing when pressed. She also says she just has so many stories she wants to explore (play). Her mind has been keeping her up nearly two hours later than normal this week. And all I can think is she hasn't had a good academic challenge since spring break last week, plus she's been reading kinda easy princess books. A morning of homeschool (we part time) with MCT and Beast Academy and a book that helps her get sleepy could turn things around. A bit. But the outbursts are a long habit...
Forgive my rambling. It's been a rough afternoon!