Hi KADmom, we have a semi-similar situation going on with our ds15, who is a freshman in high school. I don't want to post the specifics on the public part of this forum but if you're interested you can pm me.

FWIW, I think it's important to place a student in the class where they are intellectually capable, and put accommodations in place to make it possible for them to be in that class. I wouldn't automatically toss out this teacher's concerns, but I'd try to filter out the annoying-teacher part of it, consider that she's seem some issues with attention to detail, and he's had some issues you've noted with time management. Rather than assuming those challenges will simply go away at some point, I'd put him in the honors class and support him in some way to help him learn how to work through or around them. You might not be able to put any supports in place at school, but there are things you can do as a parent to help support developing these types of skills.

I'd also be sure to ask your ds what he wants to do next year.

Best wishes!


Last edited by polarbear; 03/26/15 08:55 AM.