We tried both EPGY and the "new" Redbird with my 4-year-old. Redbird is heavy on repetition and fancy graphics, and in my opinion, moves at a very slow pace. They started with a pretest for DD4. Even passing all questions in the pretest, she had to go through the following levels: Count 1-4, Count 1-5, Count 1-7, Count 1-10 (this is where she started answering all the questions wrong out of boredom), Count 0-10, Represent 0-2, Represent 0-5, Represent 0-8, Represent 0-10. Each level had at least 5 questions. This is just the first unit. DD was practically banging her head against the table. It may have been different if I had started her at a higher level of math, but I was silly enough to think that the program would be more responsive. We switched back to EPGY.
The presentation of EPGY is a bit dry (at least it seems like it to me, not that DD complained), but it moves from concept to concept very quickly upon mastery. It flies by the areas which have been mastered, and adjusts the pace slightly when more reinforcement is needed.
That said, DD does do Dreambox happily. It's the closest we'll ever get to having a hamster in the house.