DS in second grade is being moved up in math to work with a group of advanced 5th graders (out of, I guess, a 6th-7th grade book). DS is NOT mature for his age--he is well-behaved but not socially mature. I am guessing the 5th graders are going to find everything he says hilarious (and what he says IS hilarious, I have to admit). Luckily if kids snicker at him I don't think DS will care. The g/t coordintor says they are a nice group of kids she had a talk with them explaining the situation. But does anyone have any advice or info about what to expect? He's just going to go for math and then go back to the regular second grade/third grade class for everything else. I'm not sure what they are going to do about his awful handwriting--he probably has dysgraphia (which they know). Has anyone had this work out well? I'm not expecting them to be best friends with him. Probably the best case scenario is that they see him as their little pet or little brother.