Thank you so much aeh, bluemagic, and polarbear. You've all given me much to think about. DS doesn't want to stand out or be different so advocating for him must be delicate and sensitive to that. Ai! Such a tightrope I feel I'm on.

Also, I don't think it really bothers ds to not do well on tests. He can't possibly understand the impact low ACTs or SATs will have on his future (though, frankly, I believe he'll succeed and be happy regardless) but he is not the kind of individual who is easily persuaded to do things he doesn't want to do.

The counselor told us she used to work with EC kids and she was very proud of the fact that her kids, using certain strategies and employing certain attitudes and work habits, were more successful in high school and as college freshmen than a lot of the gifted kids. So I could see her bias right up front.

She also mentioned we would need a medical diagnosis. She also said it was getting harder to get 504s because parents in New York (where she's from) have learned to game the system.

Last edited by KADmom; 01/14/15 08:15 AM.