Our DD will be 5 later this month. She was first tested at 3.4, given the SBV and her FSIQ was 146. We accelerated her into kindergarten at 3.8 and she thrived. She is in 1st grade this year, and very happy there as well.

Because her SBV score qualifies for DYS, we were hoping to apply for her once she is 5. With that in mind, we had her do the Woodcock-Johnson IV last month. Her scores on that test were as follows:

Broad Achievement: 138
Written Expression: 154
Broad Written Language: 144
Reading: 137
Broad Reading: 137
Mathematics/Braod Mathematics Cluster: 134
Fluency: 118
Academic Skills: 135

Unfortunately, a qualifying score requires a 145+ on Broad Reading, Broad Math, Broad Written Language or Total Achievement, so her achievement scores do not qualify her at this time. (Of course we are super proud of the scores she did get!)

At this point we have a few options:

(1) Apply to DYS with her qualifying IQ score and a portfolio.

(2) Wait a year and do another achievement test in the hopes her score goes up just enough to qualify.

(3) Apply to DYS with her qualifying IQ score and a portfolio, and include the WJ report to demonstrate how close she was there.

I'm not trying to push it, but it sounds like the DYS program is a great resource, and I'd love to be able to access it for her if we can. I'd appreciate any insights/thoughts/suggestions any of you with more experience than we have might be willing to offer.