I found the first four Harry Potter books in my basement and put them on my son's bookshelf for future reading...didn't think much of it because he had been reading Magic Treehouse books.

Next thing I know he's into Chapter 6 of book one and well on to reading the first four Harry Potter books within a month. I then purchased the fifth book for him and he had it read within 5 days. After each book I let him watch the corresponding movie...except he hasn't watched the fifth movie yet...he's getting books 6 and 7 as well as movies 5-8 for Christmas.

I didn't really think he knew what he was reading until he was able to tell me in what chapter (in the book) various events happened as we watched the movie. After getting back his IQ test results I now know he's more than likely understanding the books.

Anyway, once he finishes the last two books in the Harry Potter series, is there something you feel he might like?

The problem I'm having is finding books on his reading level but not out of his maturity level, or with too much violence, or with any profanity.

Maybe the Percy Jackson series? The Hobbit? Others?

Thanks for any and all input.


Last edited by TripleB; 12/21/14 06:31 AM.