Did they tell you anything about the ITBS scores or whether they are going to accelerate her? Good luck with everything. DD also did the WJ achievement (just certain subtests and we don't have composite scores or anything) and her results were lower than I would have anticipated based on the above-level achievement testing the school does. I think the problem with the WJ and kids with ADHD are the fluency sections. Even the reading fluency section sounded more like a processing speed test than what you would normally think of as reading fluency (correct words read aloud per minute). DD had huge gaps between scores and the private psych who administered the test and doesn't understand 2e kids told me that all the scores are in the average range or above (the lowest was 89 and the highest was maybe 130--don't remember) and therefore DD is fine. Obviously I couldn't submit the results to the school when I'm trying to get her qualified for an IEP and in the report it says she's fine. The scores also didn't seem to represent her actual academic ability that we've seen on other tests which are untimed (MAP-like tests done on the computer).

DS had WJ achievement when he was 6 and had really high math scores (broad math 155). I think it's easier for younger kids to get scores like that.

Let us know how the meeting goes. Hopefully you can finally move forward with a plan.