I'm replying from my phone so can't go into too much detail. I think the main reason they added reading to the IEP is because her writing was below grade level and said that the reading pull out includes working on writing skills. The new spec ed teacher is actually a former reading specialist and I think she is doing a wonderful job with dd.

Cognitively, on the WISC, WJ BIA, and PPVT she scores consistently in the 85th-87th%. Of course with the WISC and WJ BIA I'm not including the indexes that measure fluency, processing speed or working memory. She is a bright girl and I've had many parents of gifted children tell me she seems gifted and I should put her in the G&T program and are surprised she doesn't have the scores to qualify. She definitely thinks differently than kids her age and is highly creative but academically she struggles. Also she struggles with anxiety but it's getting better.

Last edited by mountainmom2011; 12/16/14 06:05 PM.