DD has thrown her share, both deliberately and due to anxiety.

Fortunately she did not do this on her WISC, as it was what helped us understand her better and advocate. Part of that might have been due to our messaging "school hasn't been going great, so this is to help us all figure out how to make it go better." Because the stated objective was positive, she had an incentive to do as well as she could. If she knew in advance that it would mean leaving her current school (which to be fair, we didn't know either) she might have thrown it. She really wasn't good with change back then. In fact, I'm convinced she threw her Iowa assessment with the district TAG rep. because she was so ambivalent about skipping a grade.

We also warned her that the questions would get more and and more interesting and harder and that they were supposed to get harder than she could do, so she should expect that and not get upset or worried.