Originally Posted by Bostonian
Originally Posted by Tigerle
Parent bashing, flavour of the week, article.
And I agree one may overestimate one's child, but can one overvalue it?
If you give up something really important for a child, that can put a lot of pressure on him or her to meet your expectations. In general, if parents are greatly invested in the success of a child, that increases pressure.

True dat, and I have felt that pressure myself, and have resented it, particularly from my SAH mom. Though the highly educated woman that does not have to give up something really important for her children is rather rare, maybe not in all parts of the world, but certainly in mine, especially if those children are high needs children, as a lot of gifties tend to be. With my third child born with a major disability, my career is essentially over - I am barely hanging on to my part time job, and barely find time for my hobbies. It is what it is, and was chosen freely. But this has nothing to do with how invested I am in my child's success! I want to them to be happy and find intellectual satisfaction. For my oldest, that will mean intense science, and I care about his achievement only insofar as he'll need the record to access educational and professional opportunities.
The article talks about parents who live vicariously through their children. I am sure they are around, always have been, but not sure whether the deserve a whole article!