Just received an email from his teacher when I asked for information as to how he is doing at school:

* work they do at school is not being done or is not being turned in (not homework but class work)
* him and another kid are doing a science project and knows how to build the "experiment" but explain how it works
* "forgets" to bring home something if it isn't directly handed to him and if he isn't told to put it in his back pack. For example we had a daily report coming home about how he did, then all of a sudden we weren't getting it. Teacher told me that he wouldn't pick it up out of his mailbox. But she won't just give it to him and tell him to put it in his backpack as she thinks he needs to be responsible and do it himself.

I have no idea what to do at this point. he does his homework at home, and we have even had him do some extra work that was never completed. We have had "grounded" him, praised him, even told him once his grades are up he can join gymnastics as right now he only does Karate. I don't know what I'm dong wrong. We've tried being harsh, kind, indifferent, hounding him to get stuff done, stood over his shoulder constantly, let him be "independent" in hopes he would WANT to do well in school but nothing is working apparently and I'm at my wits end frown