A big thanks to everyone who replied. It has helped to hear some similar situations and suggestions. I was finally granted an official meeting today with the principal and asst. principal. I was given the AIG program policy handout for the first time. I'm pretty sure they just wrote it up. I've been asking to have him evaluated since September. They told me he does not qualify for gifted services as he does not meet their criteria. I was suspecting such an answer as they do not have any support staff to give him services. There is no OT or speech therapist and I suspect the new psychologist is working remote. As, I'm at the school every day and have yet to meet him. They also wouldn't give him a 504 plan or any other accommodations without an official diagnoses. I have done some research and discovered that the DOD school he can attend (we live on a military installation) will do a full assessment on him and he can receive any therapy sessions that they offer even as a homeschooler. He can participate in special classes and have use of the media center. He is also entitled to use any texts any workbooks that are appropriate. I am so happy to finally start getting the help he needs. I can't send him to the charter school and see him come home so sad and disappointed in himself because the teacher didn't give him a happy face on his behavior chart. I have withdrawn him from the school and will be registering him with the DOD elementary as a homeschool student.