Just throwing my two cents into the mix. My daughter has an ASD diagnosis (Asperger's) and has had both the Stanford Binet and the WISC-IV done (the SB5 by her school and the WISC-IV privately). Her scores were not in the gifted range on the SB5, in fact she scored so completely average that I fully rejected them immediately. They did not fit with the child that taught herself to read at 3 and who starting writing her own illustrated stories at 5. The WISC-IV scores were 28 points higher and more in the range of what I would expect from my daughter. I don't think it is normal to see this much swing in IQ scores. This may be a function of her autism diagnosis. It did seem in her case that the WISC-IV was better able to measure her intelligence. I would look into the WISC-IV. Good Luck!